Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Real Talk

The video that I watch for this weeks blog is a man talking about general steroids facts. Everything from how it affects teenagers to the different types of steroids out on the market for people to use. He goes into detail about how drug testing is only effective if the drug in the steroids is actually in the database for the drug test, so really new steroids can't be found on a drug test. He talks about the differences in oral verses shooting up steroids and how they have different effect. Different types of steroids can have different effects on the body were as some are designed to hold water weight and some are designed to actually shed water weight.

I believe that this article had some very valuable information for people to listen to if they are going to take steroids or for people just wonder about steroids in general. The majority of information found in this video is true and can be trusted. The facts about teenagers taking steroids is so true! The affects steroids have on a young developing person will have lasting affects on them and should not be taken at such a young age.

"Steroid facts steroids info 101." Youtube.. Web. 12 May 2010. .

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