Thursday, March 25, 2010

In the video post on March 15 2010 called Steroids in Sports "BC" talks about how the use of steroids in sports in his eyes are really not cheating at all. He makes a very good point by saying that most people that watch sports watch them because they want some big record to be broken. The people break the record or do the amazing thing in their sport and then they get criticized and get accused for using steroids. My question is why though?

If a grown adult so chooses to take anabolic steroids and choose to do them the smart way and not hurt themselves then why bother worrying about who takes them or not. In every sport you will always have some person that is going to "juice up" and if the organization really wanted to they could test just about every play before every game. People are getting payed big money to swing a bat, kick a ball, or tackle someone. If they organizations really cares then why not fork over a couple hundred dollars before every game to make sure that people were not doing what they so call "cheating"? Really what it looks like is that people are just turning their heads knowing what is going on but not really caring because that is what brings in the big money; big guys making big tackles or hitting the ball 400 feet out of the park. I don't know you tell me what you think about it?